2022 Garden Tour

Garden Visions:

Shady Oaks 2022 Garden Tour

Saturday September 17, 2022 10am -2pm

Shady Oaks Garden Club invites you to visit six enchanting gardens for this very special fall garden tour. The tour also features a plant sale where you are sure to find many unique plants grown by our members.

The art of gardening has four dimensions, the fourth being time. The movement of the seasons brings (mostly) predictable change in flowers and foliage. But gardens—and gardeners—change over the years as well: trees and shrubs outgrow their spaces, leaving neighboring plants coping with new conditions; sometimes plants die off, leaving gaps to be filled by new plantings; and gardeners get new ideas—for hardscapes, constructions, new favorite plants. A fall garden showcases not only late-season blooms, but also the shape and structure of the garden as a whole. As with all gardens, the ones on this tour highlight changes wrought by nature and the gardeners’ hands, working together.

Advance tickets are available from any member or at The Fischman Gallery, 133 North Commerce Street, Johnson City, TN. On the day of the tour, tickets can be purchased at Shakti in the Mountains 409 East Unaka Avenue and the Jacob Garden 2202 Knob Creek Road.